

by Instructure
  • Editor Button
  • Resource Selection
  • Content
  • Media
  • Open Content
  • Completely Free
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas

Search publicly available YouTube videos. A new icon will show up in your course rich editor letting you search YouTube and click to embed videos in your course material.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
At this time, this app hasn't been audited by Instructure for accessibility compliance. This is currently being planned and we will update the status of this application when completed.
Security Information:
Instructure's Security Information: . This integration uses API's that are external to Instructure's. As such, please review this relevant security policy:
Privacy Policy:
Instructure's Privacy Policy: . This integration uses API's that are external to Instructure's. As such, please review this relevant privacy policy: . Please also review Google's privacy policy at
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS