by ProQuest SIPX
  • Resource Selection
  • Content
  • Open Content
  • Textbooks/eBooks
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
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ProQuest SIPX – the most complete course materials solution in higher education

Saves students money ✔ Saves schools money ✔ Makes education better

SIPX Savings


An innovative cloud-based platform that helps instructors quickly and compliantly make available any readings they want to share with students. Students get the lowest possible cost in this solution that automatically recognizes and puts library-held content and open resources front and center for instructors. And for readings that need copyright attention, SIPX’s in-system copyright tools are the only microtransaction technology that unbundles readings for students so they can keep up in class even if the whole coursepack at once is too expensive, and saves institution-pay models over 50% savings on their own school budgets.

With new insights from analytics for instructors and libraries to help enhance course design and help save students even more money, SIPX is the only solution that is scalable, intuitive, and flexible enough to grow into all workflows and platform integrations across campus, including Learning Management systems, distance learning, MOOCs, library reserves services, bookstores and copyshops.

SIPX Screenshot

Installation Instructions

Please contact SIPX to set up an account for your institution.

Config Options
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Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS