Labster - Science Virtual Labs for Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Labster - Science Virtual Labs for Biology, Chemistry and Physics

by Labster Virtual Labs
  • Course Nav
  • Assessment
  • Content
  • Science
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
  • Schoology
Requires Consumer Key and Secret (click here to generate)

Labster is a company dedicated to developing fully interactive advanced lab simulations based on pedagogy and algorithms that support open-ended learning. We combine these with gamification elements such as an immersive 3D universe, storytelling and a scoring system that stimulates students’ natural curiosity and highlights the connection between science and the real world.

Installation Instructions

Simply add Labster LTI app to your Canvas instance, and then download the following Common Cartidge file

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Security Information:
Privacy Policy:
LMS API's your app uses:
Labster does not use any Canvas APIs, only the LTI integration for grading Course Navigation link (to dashboard)
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS