Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

by Instructure
  • Editor Button
  • Resource Selection
  • Course Nav
  • Homework Submission
  • Content
  • Open Content
  • K-6th Grade
  • 7th-12th Grade
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
Requires Consumer Key and Secret


The Canvas and Microsoft Office 365 integration has seven main points of interoperability to promote great teaching and learning:

• Students can submit Office 365 files directly to Canvas Assignments

• Teachers can access Office 365 documents through SpeedGrader to add feedback

• Link Office 365 documents anywhere you use the Rich Content Editor

• Include Office 365 documents in your Modules

• Create Collaborations for course groups, student groups, and on-demand groups using Office documents

• Create and grade assignments in your Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook, then push those grades to Canvas (Integration developed by Microsoft)

• Sign in to Canvas with your Office 365 login using single sign-on (Previously released functionality)

For detailed information on the O365+Canvas integration, please go here.

Installation Instructions:

If you are a Canvas school located in the Americas your Canvas Administrator can generate their own key/secret to install the tool here. You can also use the XML url found in this listing. (

For Canvas schools serviced in other regions worldwide please contact your Canvas Customer Success Manager (CSM) for a region specific key/secret and configuration XML url.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Instructure's Accessibility Information:
Security Information:
Instructure's Security Information: . This integration uses APIs that are external to Instructure's. As such, please review this relevant privacy/security policy:
Privacy Policy:
Instructure's Privacy Policy: . This integration uses API's that are external to Instructure's. As such, please review this relevant privacy/security policy:
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS