evasys LTI® Integration

evasys LTI® Integration

by evasys GmbH
  • Course Nav
  • Content
  • Postsecondary
  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Desire2Learn
  • Moodle
  • Sakai
  • Other
Requires Consumer Key and Secret

The evasys LTI® integration functionality allows you to use the built-in LTI® framework of your learning management system (LMS) to display evasys survey information within the learner and instructor views.

Students have a dashboard providing survey information in a rich and customizable content.

Visual indicators have been incorporated to encourage students to take their surveys.

Instructors get response rates of their surveys throughout the evaluation period to help them encourage their students to participate.

The tool can be configured to provide access or not to course evaluation results such as PDF or CSV and can be displayed directly into your LMS portal.

Installation Instructions

The LTI® interface can be activated directly in the evasys administrator interface.

To do this, go to “System Settings / Interfaces & Plug-ins” and open the tab “LTI® Interface”.

Here you can activate the option “LTI® Interface to integrate Learning Management Systems”.

For further instructions for the LMS side, please read the “LTI® Installation Manual” available in “System Information / Manuals”.

Config Options
Accessibility Documentation:
Basic accessibility standards are implemented (WCAG 1.0 (Level A))
Security Information:
The connection between your LMS implementation and evasys is secured using an LTI connection. All data transferred between LMS and EvaSys is encrypted over HTTPS. EvaSys only uses LTI profile data to match with data in evasys.
Privacy Policy:
LMS API's your app uses:
The LMS API is not used. Only LTI.
Configuration URL: Paste this URL into your LMS